a slice of high life
intersection mag brings you project
dressed by your high fashion designers
Martin Margiela
Adam Kimmel
Richard James
so now even your car gets da shit
from coolhunter.net
One of our favorite auto magazines, the ever-stylish Intersection (think of it as I-D for car buffs), has always made its mission tomix man and machine, art and design and all things culture into itsview of the automotive world. Its latest project is no exception. In an aim to portray cars as more of a reflection of thehuman race then simply a way to get from A to B, Intersection asked 6different fashion designers from 6 different cities to create acar cover that represents their individual fashion styles.
The designers were chosen for their conceptual yet sensual, wittyapproach and because they each represent the city they're basedin. From the real-size print by Parisian Martin Margiela tothe mammoth box of Sydney's Ksubi, each piece offers a perspective trueto the designer's style and method, while also portraying an aspect of the car's personality.